The Conceivian Blog

Read or Listen. These are invitations for collaboration, comments, and solidarity towards provoking individual and collective excellence, bending reality as it exists, and building better worlds.

Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

3 Secrets to Turning Anxiety Into Power

According to the modern tradition of psychology, anxiety is a problem; a problem that should be fixed. Prescribed solutions in the form of medicine and therapy help with a certain level of initial stability but fail, to help us in living to our full potential…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

The Making Of A Changemaker

When change happens, most people, most of the time, find themselves at the mercy of the change, without recourse, and as victims of what's going on. Then there are those, who embrace change, take responsibility for it, and participate in the emergence of change in such a way…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

Why Startups Really Fail

If you search online “why startups fail,” you are bound to find an infinite number of books, blogs, and podcasts on this topic. In this article, I will not simply reiterate lack of funding, too much competition, poor marketing, loss of focus, bad product, wrong team, founder burn out, and 100 other obvious reasons why startups fail as touted by…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

The Key Source Of Failure

Most entrepreneurs and leaders believe that the key source of their failures in projects, missions, and enterprises comes from, not planning well or having done the wrong things. While placing the focus on the importance of doing, entrepreneurs miss the source of their failures—their way of being...

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

What Is Your Billion Dollars Context?

Context is about your mood and about the background mood of the relationship with others. And, that mood is about trust. Your capacity and your skill for navigation, of maps of power, are directly proportional, to your capacity for Trust…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

Moods That Get In The Way Of Learning

If you look carefully, you will find that most failures of life are actually failures in learning. The loss of power happens in a refusal to learn. So let us review certain kinds of moods that block learning, such as, the mood of…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

Kill Being Nice

You may or may not have already realized that being nice does not get you very far in life. If this is something you suffer from, you may have accepted it as a part of your personality. So, let us investigate this business of being nice…

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Saqib Rasool Saqib Rasool

Provoking Excellence In An Era Of Change

To survive and thrive in what is next, we must develop new senses for insight, new networks of trust, and new skills for action. Anyone who is reluctant to change, and relying on yesterday's sensibilities are at the greatest risk of being run over, being made irrelevant by…

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